GERMAN LOPERENA: Madrid Office, Director
German Loperena earned his BS in Aerospace Engineering from Parks College of Saint Louis University and an MBA from Boston College. He began his career as a Project Engineer at the Spanish manufacturing firm Santaz Censa. After business school, he joined IT services/consultancy MCS as a Marketing Manager, where he gained deep experience in the trenches of IT. He later joined Safelayer Secure Communications (IT security) as Marketing Director, where he helped launch and promote new Web-based secure payment and authentication processes. He was then recruited to become Managing Director of healthcare IT provider Alfa Multimedia, where he did pioneering work in the fields of clinical simulations and medical knowledge databases.
Before becoming partner in the strategy consulting firm Strategy & Focus, he co-founded and led Step One Ventures, a firm focused on helping Spanish IT firms establish themselves in Silicon Valley. Currently he is in charge of the International division of Strategy & Focus, helping companies in the Technology, Infrastructure, Energy (Renewables) and Life Science sectors to be successful in the USA, Brazil and India markets. Germán represents Solutions International in Spain and is an active partner of Plug & Play Techcenter (Silicon Valley).
Germán has been a speaker in IT and Internationalization events organized by leading organizations in Spain including IE, IED, APD, Foro Innova, etc.